School Closes For Good Weather
Have you ever been in class on a beautiful day only to find yourself spending less time paying attention to the teacher and more time staring out the window, daydreaming about the beach? Well one school in Georgia has the right idea about how to treat beautiful days.
“The headmaster of a school in Georgia says he plans to cancel classes because of great weather.
Len McWilliams of Calvary Christian School in Columbus says he's calling off classes Friday because of a commitment he made to find a positive reason to cancel classes before he retires at the end of the year.” –HP
See mom, I’m not the only person who values the sunshine over lectures. All those days I ditched my last three periods to go barbecue and play frisbee at the beach were “positive reasons” to leave. I was acting less like a hooligan and more like a head schoolmaster of a Christian school.