Today is Friday the 13th.  Is it unlucky? Are you superstitious? According to Superstition means a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge, in or of the ominous significance of a particular thing, circumstance, occurrence, proceeding, or the like.   I've gather a list of the top 5 superstitions. 

#5 Black Cats


Don't follow them or have one cross your path - Bad luck will immediately happen.

#4 Knock On Wood


Whenever you say something that may signify doom, immediately knock on wood so it wont happen.

#3 Opening of Umbrella's inside


Why would anyone even want to open an umbrella indoors, but if you do - there will be bad luck.

#2 Breaking A Mirror


Should you break any mirror, large or small - it's guaranteed to have at least 7 years bad luck.

#1 Friday the 13th or the number 13.


Everybody believes this superstition.  Friday the 13th is unlucky in any month.   There are buildings without a floor 13,  airline rows without a row 13 .  Basically a unlucky number or day no matter how you look at it.

Honorable mention: Walking under ladders.  - most people don't walk under a ladder anyway, but if you do you'll awaken the spirits when you walk thru a triangle that the ladder makes.

So have a great Friday the 13th, it might be the last Friday the 13th anyway as people are saying its the end of the world or judgement day on May 21st!

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