Upstate New York Town Visited By Moose On the Loose, Were You Close?
When was the last time you saw a moose wandering around your neighborhood? Even though there are approximately 1,000 moose in New York State, getting a glimpse is not very easy, unless they head into town to take a look around.
One moose has been spending some time wandering around this Upstate New York town and social media is buzzing with photos. If you can't find one in person, might as well scroll through the posts below to see what you are missing.
On Monday September 11th, according to WKTV News Channel 2, a moose has been seen wandering around the town of Westernville, NY. Spending time at Volunteer Fire Company of Western, Inc., lounging at a local soccer field and posing for the paparazzo.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) reports that most of the moose in New York are located in the northeastern part of the state in the Adirondack Mountains and the Taconic Highlands along the Massachusetts and Vermont borders.
Moose are most active from dusk to dawn and we are starting to approach 'rut' or mating season for moose in New York. This is the time of year where you are most likely to see moose in the State.
What should you do if you see a moose in New York?
- Don't approach the moose
- Should the moose charge, don't stand your ground, run away quickly.
- Take pictures and video from a safe distance
There are no predators of adult moose in New York State but the black bear is a significant predator of moose calves less than nine weeks old. Vehicle collisions are a significant mortality factor for moose.