I can't be the only one a little disappointed with the lack of snow fall in Albany can I?

I'll be the first to admit that I am not the biggest fan of snow. Mostly it's the shoveling, scraping, and super cold that I could do with out. The snow it's self is actually kind of beautiful and memorizing. To be honest it just doesn't seem to feel like the holidays unless there is some of the fluffy (or more often slushy) frozen precipitation on the ground. With  Thanksgiving less than a week away I was kind of looking forward to enjoying some snow fall.

I was seeing plenty of posts on Facebook today from my friends all over Upstate New York who were getting some decent amounts of snow. So I planned out a nice snow day posted up on the couch with plenty of movies and shows to binge watch. However, when I decided to peak outside I found that this was the extent of our snow here in the city...

snow backyard

Don't worry, I still maintained my amazing Sunday funday plans. Although there wasn't really any snow here in Albany it was pretty cold and seriously windy so I wasn't trying to go anywhere. Even though I was kind of bummed initially by our weak snow fall  I'll probably be really thankful when I'm driving to the studio tomorrow.

How much snow did you get where you live?

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