You May Be Able to See the Northern Lights from the Capital Region Tonight
Let's hope the clouds cooperate and let us see this extraordinary spectacle!
If you are out and about in the Capital Region tonight or anywhere north for that matter take a moment to get away from the lights and look up in the sky!
Apparently one of the biggest solar flare's that we have had in a decade is underway and is making it possible to see the Northern Lights from the Capital Region! In fact the flare is so intense that according to NewYorkUpstate.com they may be visible to more southern latitudes than they usually are and could possibly be seen as far south as the Southern Tier!
So if Ma Nature wants to cooperate and can manage to keep the Capital Region cloud free we could ideally be witnessing a truly magical light show in the sky tonight! Of course there is no guarantee it will actually happen apparently the other night the aurora was only visible as far south as Canada. However, it doesn't take much to step outside and just look up.
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