3 of The Drunkest Counties In NY In The Capital Region
I want to act very shocked, I really do. However the Capital Region speaks for itself sometimes. Yeah, we are drunks.
I also don't know whether to feel ashamed of the county I live in. When I first found the list I knew that Rennselaer County was going to be on the list. Perhaps if Troy was in a separate county it may not have. Statistics were gathered on the reports of binge drinking. Also driving deaths that involved alcohol. Now that you know Rennselaer County is one of the counties on the list. Think quick before you read below and take a guess at the other counties.
- SARATOGA COUNTY: This shouldn't be to confusing for anyone. Saratoga alone probably makes up a lot of the statistics. After all it has to be one of the best bar towns in the Capital Region. Excessive drinking at the track also may be a contributor.
- RENNSELAER COUNTY:The stats rank this county as the sixth drunkest in the entire state of New York.
- SCHENECTADY COUNTY: Not just is the city of Schenectady the most dangerous town in the Capital Region after dark but it is also the biggest city in the third drunkest county in the Capital Region.
A list of the 12 drunkest counties in the state are listed at the link below.