Death Wish Coffee Preemptively Pulls Nitro Cold Brew Cans From Shelves
Ever the coffee innovators, Death Wish Coffee has decided to voluntarily recall their Nitro Cold Brew Cans for the safety of their customers and the quality of their coffee.
It's always a bit jarring when you see the word RECALL on any product that you use on the regular and I can totally understand how that word could put you into panic mode when it's used in conjunction with one of your favorite products that literally keeps you fueled throughout your day.
However, in the case of Death Wish Coffee pulling their Nitro Cold Brew from shelves it really goes to show you the passion and dedication that this local company has to it's consumers and to the product that they put out.
I got a chance to speak with Death Wish Coffee's owner Mike Brown earlier today where I asked him what the deal was with the recall and to be honest I left the conversation feeling relieved that I wasn't going to come down with some "potentially deadly toxin" like some were reporting and excited for the release of the next batch of Nitro Cold Brew that will be safer and better than ever.
What Mike had said to me was that essentially the whole nitro cold brew process is relatively new to coffee makers across the states and is still without standard practices and regulations. As with any new innovation there is bound to be a couple of incarnations until you get it right, right?
So Mike, always looking to put out the best product he can to his customers and also happens to be "kind of a safety nut", actually sent out a can of the Nitro Cold Brew to a lab at Cornell University in an effort to really test the shelf life and make sure there was no harmful bacteria's or mold that would develop in the cold brew it's self.
After 14 weeks on the shelf the cold brew actually tested out perfectly, no degradation of quality or any harmful chemicals. However, one of the scientists did recommend that they add a retort process after canning which apparently sterilizes everything. Death Wish agreed with their recommendation and decided that even though nobody has reported any illness from drinking the nitro brew (and none of the cans have tested positive for any toxins) but since there is a slight risk for a toxin developing they decided in order to protect their customers, their product and their company they were going to err on the side of caution and pull all of the current product off the shelves and to advise customers who may have cans at home to go ahead and just dump them down the drain.
To take it one step further Death Wish is automatically issuing a refund to anyone who bought the nitro brew's on their website (you can expect refunds to arrive within the next 60 days or so) and you can also return your cans with proof of purchase to the point of purchase for a refund. For more information on the recall you can visit their website by clicking HERE.
If you are feeling some sort of way about being without a Nitro Cold Brew to get you through fear not, you will only be without for a short period of time. The guys hope to have a fresh new batch of cans available for you in the beginning of 2018!