E-Cigarettes Are Marketing Through Student Scholarships
Now, this is something I would’ve never realized! A News 10 abc article caught my eye this week about E-cigarette companies offering scholarships. The catch when reading the article it seemed is that they are offering scholarships as a way to promote their brand. According to News 10 abc, more and more vape companies and E-cigarette companies are offering scholarships as a way to get their names on student university sites, as well as have students become aware of them and/or write about them.
Here I am thinking how nice it is that scholarships are offered to students, and it turns out it’s just for business and marketing purposes! I mean, kudos to those winning the scholarships and containing on with education. But nonetheless, I would’ve never imagined the self-interest going into a scholarship. You can read more about it at News 10 abc. Do you know anyone who’s won an E-cigarette scholarship? What are your thoughts?