Hidden Gem Swimming Hole in Charlton, Ever Been?
I worked in Charlton for 3 years and never knew or heard anything about this place, sadly to keep it open it will need to attract more people.
Little Troy Park, have you heard of it? If so, have you been? It seems like from what Times Union explains, its one of those quiet small hidden gem type places. In a small town, it needs more residents and patrons to go to the swimming hole. At the moment, they are struggling to survive.
You have to think how much money the upkeep of these places needs.
"This year, we took in over $13,000," Smith said. "We need a more. We are not meeting our expenses. We need to fund raise and figure out how to stabilize." - TIMES UNION
Little Troy Park is a great thing for the kids on a hot day and prices are quite fair. Check out more from the Times Union here.