Kebab Rage & Speak American (Videos)
From the Free Beer & Hot Wings Morning Show, this woman is very angry about her children's Kebab, and demands that the proprietors of the Kebab restaurant speak American.
Don't you just hate it when someone gives you green food and your kids don't eat green foods, because they're green?
It makes you want to lash out against the people who gave you green peppers when you ordered red peppers, it makes you so angry that you walk into the glass door.
But what drives me crazy! Is when the people who caused all the drama don't even speak American.
I don't mind when people do not speak American, because that means I don't have to talk to them, and if I need to communicate with those people I point and nod.
However, because I am here to help.
How to speak American.
Speak English... Kind of.