Millions May be Invested in Local Hemp Processing Plant
There are plans to invest millions into a hemp processing plant, and it would happen not far from the Capital Region.
According to News Channel 13, Sheldon Roberts who is a graduate of UAlbany, is responsible for the plans. He is hoping to open a hemp processing plant, according to the report, in Canajoharie. The location is reported to be the old Beech-Nut factory, and the investment? Well, the reports say he wants to invest over 6 million dollars.
Ok well, that's a hefty investment. News Channel 13 also reports there's a good chance the project will go through. Roberts, the investor, told News Channel 13 that he is optimistic, and one of the top priorities is to bring in economic opportunities to the area. They also report that if it's approved, the plant would be processing about 30,000 acres of hemp a year, and producing CBD oils among other projects. You can read all about it here.