Multiple Alligator Sightings in Upstate New York Waters
On the upside it appears to be just one alligator that has been spotted twice.
No you didn't accidentally click on an article coming out of Florida and yes you read that right. Apparently there is a gator on the loose in Upstate New York!
According to Newyorkupstate.com there have been multiple alligator sightings along the Tioughnioga River between Whitney Point and Lisle. The department of Environmental Conservation has been contacted and the believe they sightings are legit and that the gator may have been someones pet that was released sometime in the last month.
The Mayor of Whitney Point, Ryan Reynolds (we'll come back to him in a minute), confirmed the sightings and issued a warning to residents on Facebook.
FYI it is illegal to have an alligator as a pet in NY state. Officials say that if you come across the gator do not approach it, but do contact contact the DEC's Cortland office at 607-753-3095.
Now back to Mayor Reynolds ... Can we talk for a minute how about I thought I missed something somewhere and that perhaps Deadpool and Green Lantern were pulling triple duty and are also serving as Mayor of Whitney Point. That is until I looked up his fb and realized that it was actually another Ryan Reynolds. However, as disappointed as I may have been that it was not the actor I was pleasantly surprised with the town and their young Mayor Reynolds. Ladies, click HERE and you'll see what I'm talking about.
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