Over $100 Million Going to Fix New York Roads
A big chunk of change is going to be spent on New York roads.
$128 million to be more specific. Governor Cuomo announced the funding to help resurface New York roads, according to cbs 6 albany. To me, this is definitely something that’s needed. And according to a DOT spokesperson in the cbs 6 report, $12 million of it is going to eight counties in the Capital Region. While I’d like to see ALL it go to this area, I certainly understand there are other parts of New York also in need. So 10% isn’t so bad for our roads.
If you’ve spent even a week in the Capital District, you know what it’s like to hit a huge pothole. I’ve already had a number of coworkers and friends blow out tires. As for me— a cracked underside of my bumper. So here’s to hoping the roads get fixed soon!
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