Uber Brings Ridesharing Services to Healthcare
Uber is known for it's ridesharing services. Need a ride home from Crossgates? Get an Uber. Need a ride home from the track? Grab an Uber. Need a ride home from the Pearl Street Pub? Snag an Uber.
Well, now Uber is bringing it's services to healthcare, and provided transportation for doctor's appointments. And as reported by News Channel 13, they'll be billing the doctor's office too. According to Uber's official site, the program is being introduced as Uber Health, and put in place to help decrease barriers to care. There's stipulations- I don't know what they all are- but it looks like the program is tailored for people with barriers such as those that are homebound or seniors facing difficulty with independence. According to Uber's announcement no app is needed- it's all arranged via text message- and it claims to be compliant with all of the privacy laws for healthcare patients [HIPAA].
I frankly love this idea! I would love to see healthcare organizations being able to use this resource to provide transportation for people who frankly can't make it to appointments or are having a lot of difficulty. I think about all of the seniors or homebound people living in the more rural areas of the Capital Region, or even people only a mile away from their provider's office with significant difficulty leaving their home or finding transportation. My only concern is of course the billing. Will doctor's offices really pick this up and foot the bill? Do you think this will start be used in the Capital Region?