Think you know a thing or two about porn? Would you consider yourself to have expertise about porn? Do you know what "real porn" is compared to "fake porn"?

If you answered "yes", there might be a job for you in China!

A non-government organization called The "Safety Alliance" is on the hunt for the right person to become their "Chief Pornography Identification Officer". The group posted the ad for employment to a popular social networking site in China and has since seen 120,00 shares with 20,000 comments about the gig.

The pay? About $32,000 (American).

Your job? "Protect The Internet".

Pretty much you have spend hours upon hours of watching porn and "formulate criteria for determining obscenity". That criteria will then be used to create educational classes on the subject. You would then have to compare and contrast the various porn sources on the net. Like "apples to apples" but more like Porn Hub to Spank Wire and it has to be done in a more meaningful way they saying one has better porn than the other.

Think you got what it takes? Read the fully transcribed Job Description below thanks to Chinasmack.

Job Description:
1. Research and study pornographic videos and images, formulate criteria for determining obscenity.
2. Deploy courseware on the standards of obscenity determination, and study materials such as educational videos on pornography.
3. Manage and rate pornographic resources (including BT 2,seeds, images, and online videos).

Job Requirements:
1. Familiarity with the different standards of determination of pornographic content of different countries;
2. Familiarity with the standards of determination and express regulations concerning pornography in China’s law;
3. Familiarity with the standards of pornography identification used by CNNIC (China Internet Network Information Center) and various major internet providers;
4. A bachelor’s degree or above; age between 20-35; all genders;
5. Possesses good teamwork skills, and a strong sense of responsibility.
1. National standard insurances and additional allowance for meals, transportation and phone.
2. Expenses on relevant books can be reimbursed. Free fruits and yogurt each week day.
3. Free physical examination once every year, and gift for birthday, wedding and child birth.

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