A woman from the Capital Region posted on Reddit that she's relocating away from the area and one thing she never liked was that there's no progress in Albany.

The City of Albany has taken its fair share of criticism over the years, and some of it has been pretty justified. While they've made strides to improve things, sometimes it's just not enough to make a real impact of difference. We seem to be a revolving door for businesses coming in and closing almost as soon as they open.

We also have the problem of a giant collapsing building that's seems to never be going away - or at least not any time soon. The Central Warehouse will forever be the worst part of Albany's skyline until they get that situation sorted out.

Recently on Reddit a soon-to-be former Albany resident is calling the city out for it's lack of progress as she gets set to move to Grand Rapids, Michigan.


The review she left on Albany was not the greatest.

What I despise about Albany, NY is that the city never seems to progress forward, unless you count marijuana shops on every corner as progress. We are the capital of New York, and three hours away from Boston and NYC, arguably two of the best metro areas in the entire country, yet it seems we are stuck in the Stone Age and utterly dull.

My question is, do you agree with that? As much as I love my city, I think I do have to take her points into consideration here. While I love it here, there is a major lack of something. What that something is, I am not sure, but I am sure Rebecca Lobo agrees.

Read More: YouTube Travel Blogger Calls Albany Beautiful and Dangerous

We do have some amazing architecture, but it's sporadic. Our culture is also just kind of, blah. Other cities have festivals and celebrations that bring in tourism and we do not have that at all. Instead, we've gotten rid of various events around the city over the years.

Albany without a doubt is not evolving, so she makes a good point. We need to move forward in the Capital of New York, but we seem to just be stuck.

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