Have you ever lost your credit card? The immediate fear that comes over when you realize that it's gone and who knows who has it in their possession now. Your  mind starts to retrace your steps of where you were and you start calling places to see if they have seen it.

The best you can hope for is that the person that finds does the right thing and turns it in. That wasn't the case recently in Queensbury.

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New York State Police are looking for a man that allegedly stole a credit card and racked up nearly $1,000 in fraudulent purchases! The incident took place of February 13th at the Target store on Aviation Road in Queensbury. Notice the dude has a fist full of flowers so it's likely that he bought them for his significant other for Valentine's Day. On someone else's dime!

Take a look at the picture below. If he illegally spent $800 at Target that day I wonder what's in the bag. Let's be generous and say it was $50 for the flowers. That means he has $750 worth of items in the bag he is carrying.

New York State Police
New York State Police

So which stolen items are in the bag? Could be gift cards, iPad Air, Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max? Could be almost anything that someone else paid for.

State Police are attempting to identify the person wanted for questioning. The purchases were made on February 13, 2022. If you have information you are asked to contact State Police Queensbury at 518-583-7000, reference case# 10724285.

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