Mysterious Oniontown, NY Is Off Limits! Are the Stories True or Urban Legend?
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property. In other words, stay away from Oniontown, New York.
There is one mysterious location in Upstate New York where you are not welcome. The residents don't want you there, the police avoid going there and the stories alone should make you want to drive in another direction as fast as you can. This place is so private that Google street view has blacked out it's location. What goes on in Oniontown?
Ontiontown begins and ends on a mile-and-a-half long dirt road. At the entrance you are greeted with 'keep out' and 'no trespassing' signs and there is no exit. It's what has happens in-between that people have been talking about for decades.
Are the stories of Oniontown urban legend or fact? Atlasobscura suggests that those that do live there might just want to be left alone. Rumors of inbred individuals or a colony of wild people living without traditional law and structure. For those that have made their way past the discouraging signs there are stories of allegedly being chased, had rocks thrown at them and even some reports of beatings.
The legend of Oniontown dates back to the 1940's when a reporter visited the location and went on to write 3 articles about the bad conditions he saw there. The road was permanently closed in 2006 but in 2008 a YouTube video of Oniontown went viral.
The original clip has been removed from YouTube but it's impact prompted others to head to Oniontown for their own experiences. One such video shows a group of people driving along Oniontown Road blaring their car horn. Then someone in a white vehicle began chasing them as the group narrowly escaped.
Only the people that live in Oniontown know the truth of what goes on down that dead end road. Everyone else should stay away.