New Teen ‘Challenge’ Causing Harm Involves Deodorant
Because people couldn’t stop at Tide pods? Or just use hygiene items as directed? According to News 10 abc, a warning is going around about a new ‘challenge’ involving deodorant. News 10 abc reported on a UK girl who suffered second degree burns from the ‘challenge,’ which involves spraying deodorant on someone for as long as possible. Talk about chemical burns! While the incident News 10 abc reported on happened in Britain, with the internet, social media, YouTube, and more, these challenges don’t take long to spread. Even when I was younger, before the days of YouTube and social media, ‘challenges’ seemed to spread quickly from school to school. Though all we did was try to eat as many saltines as possible in a minute, never use anything chemical or toxic. On a positive note, I haven’t heard of this happening around the Capital District yet, have you?