Why Chips Are The Best Memorial Day Cookout Food
Memorial Day Weekend is upon us! It's a holiday (well, really a holiday weekend) honoring all those who so bravely fought for us and died while serving our country. For that, there is not enough thanks or celebration. However, with this holiday weekend every year comes parades, family-friend gatherings, cookouts, and a whole lot of honor. So what's the best food for a cookout? That's simply. Chips! Seriously. You can't grill them, you don't really eat them for a meal, but what kind of cookout is complete without chips. Hanging out by the creek or on your back deck during the day with friends? You know you have a bowl or bag of chips there. Chips with dip? A staple at ANY cookout. Waiting for the frozen patties to heat up on the grill, or the hot dogs to cook over the fire? You KNOW you've got some chips your snacking on. Need something in your stomach so all the beer doesn't hit you before dinner's even ready? Chips do the trick. To me, it's impossible to have any kind of gathering or cookout without chips present. Chips with dip, ruffles, chips and salsa, whatever it may be, chips are the ultimate cookout food. And in the case of the propane tank running out, the charcoals not lighting properly, the patties or dogs not cooking all the way, or the pet dog eating everything while you're not looking for a quick second- you've always got the chips.