New York Car Dealership Calls for Help After Finding This! What?!
Mother Nature can be rough on us from time to time. Winter's tend to be rough and some summers you feel like you are cooking because it's so hot. Seeking shelter from the elements is something we have been doing since the Neanderthal times. Even animals try to find a safe place to huddle.
The opossum, for example, might have more than one den at a time and will make a home almost anywhere that is dry. At times opossum will take over another animals spot but mostly they find hollow stumps, wood piles and spaces under buildings. One place you wouldn't expect to find opossum is in YOUR CAR!
On Monday April 17th, according to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), officers responded to a call reporting a mother opossum and her babies in the engine compartment of a car at a dealership in Copiague, NY.
When DEC officials arrived at the dealership the employees and mechanics showed officers where the opossums were located. The mother crawled deep into the engine compartment of an electric car with her babies.
The mechanics assisted by putting the car on a lift and removing the skid plates and guards so Environmental Conservation Officer Dickson and a wildlife rehabilitator could safely remove the mother and babies.
Opossums are North America's only marsupial and can have upwards of 12 babies that will cling to the mother until they become too big to hold on. This lucky opossum family was safely transported to receive care and monitoring until they can be released to the wild.