Recall Alert Issued For One Major Kellogg’s Cereal
A bowl of crunchy cereal is purely delicious- until it gets you sick! The Kellogg Company voluntarily recalled one of it's cereal for exactly that reason. According to News 10 abc, Kellogg's Honey Smacks have been nationally recalled after causing outbreaks of Salmonella in 13 states. Included in these states? New York. There is specific product information regarding the recall, which you can find at News 10 abc. If you don't know symptoms of Salmonella, they include diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and fever. You can also read more about the symptoms, and the Honey Smacks recall at the official CDC website (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Sounds like quite the price to pay for one measly bowl of cereal, hopefully none of you have the plagued boxes!