SNL Spoofs Albany News
Saturday night my wife and I watched Saturday Night Live anticipating Dave Chappell's opening monologue and a Biden/Harris/Trump cold open.
Neither the monologue, which was a weird mix of funny and serious, or the cold open of Biden/Harris acceptance speech disappointed. Alec Baldwin was even there as Trump giving a concession speech...kinda.
Usually, that's about all we watch of SNL. We usually catch the opening monologue and the first skit and then turn off the TV. For some reason, we stuck with the show and I'm glad we did.
The third or fourth skit in was one that featured the fictional TV Newscast from "News Center 5 Albany". They even feature the Albany skyline including The Egg. It's not the first time Saturday Night Live has mentioned the Capital Region in one of their skits.
In the Albany "news" there was a freak hailstorm in the fictional "Pebble Falls". It then spiraled into a weird love story between two residents of Pepple Falls played by Kenan Thompson, Kate McKinnon.
Last weekend on SNL, host John Mulaney, made fun of Governor Cuomo's press conferences. I guess Upstate New York is SNL's new target.
Is this really how the rest of the state sees us? I mean, I know in comparison to the metropolitan and ultra-hip New York City culture we're pretty backwoods...but come on man.

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