West Nile Virus Was Found Again Near the Capital Region
West Nile Virus has popped up again, near the Capital Region.
It seems like these bug-borne illnesses are getting worse and worse each ear, from ticks to mosquitoes, causing everything from swelling of your brain to an allergy to meat. It's been a little bit since we heard about West Nile Virus, amidst the early summer tick season, but the disease has popped up again near the Capital Region. According to News 10 abc, mosquito samples in Western Massachusetts, not far from the Capital Region, tested positive for West Nile Virus. Now, no humans have been infected yet that has been noted, however since the positive test results, Mosquito control spraying was put in to effect in the area of the positive sample according to News 10 abc. As for how you can avoid West Nile Virus? Well, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have a great web-page of tips, including the use of insect repellent, wearing long clothes when possible, and making sure to have screens on your windows and doors.