Albany Makes List of America’s Top Bed Bug Cities
Not that it will, but if it helps, we are at the bottom of the list.
Oh man, the whole bed bug topic skeeves me out just writing about it. As if the topic of bed bugs wasn't gross enough I have just learned that we live in one of the Top Bed Bug Cities in the country. Foul right?
Orkin just put out their list of Top Bed Bug Cities for 2018 (which seeing as though 2018 just started I feel like is really 2017 but I guess that's kind of beside the point) and while Albany/Schenectady/Troy had previously cleaned up their act to get off the list it appears that the Capital Region has let ourselves go and is back on this year.
On the upside, if there is an upside when it comes to bed bugs, out of the 50 cities on the list we are at the very bottom coming in at #50. A few other New York cities made the list coming in much higher with Syracuse at #33, Buffalo at #20, and New York City at #8!
So if you have friends or relatives coming in from out of town you may want to think about making up the sofa bed or blowing up an air mattress for them. If you want to check out the full list of bed bug cities you should be aware of for your travels you can do that by clicking HERE.
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