WWE Smackdown In Albany On Sept. 29 (Videos)
The WWE is coming to town next Tuesday for WWE Smackdown at the Times Union Center and we are so excited at Q103 that we had to have a debate about who is the most excited.
Round 1 has the most views, but how are you going to know who to vote for if you don't watch all four rounds of the debate?
How about the nipples on that Big Stick guy? See more of his lovely man breasts in Round 3!
This debate has gotten so out of control that we had to call the police before filming Round 4.
What does the winner win?!?!!? We can't tell you! Your going to have to wait until Tuesday to find out!
How do you vote?
And here is your friendly reminder as to why Albany is wrestling town, so have some pride! Check out how rich in WWE history Albany is!
And if you don't like wrestling, and you don't care about any of this, please leave a negative comment.
Have a nice day!
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